
MS, PhD, MD/PhD, and medical students are welcome to rotate in our lab!


  • A background in Stem Cell Biology - tissue-specific and pluripotent stem cells; Neuroscience -  Neurodegeneration in the context of Parkinson's Disease and other neurological disorders.

  • Experience in rodent models and human patient-derived cellular systems.

  • Experience with techniques such as animal behavior, histology and immunohistochemistry, stereological analyses, stereotaxic and other surgeries, tissue culture (human and rodent cells), cellular reprogramming technologies, a variety of cellular assays, molecular work (DNA/RNA/Protein), next generation sequencing and ‘omics’ technologies, viral vectors, microscopy/Imaging (confocal, light, epifluorescence, electron and live-cell).

Postdoctoral Fellows

  • Interested postdocs should send their CV directly to Dr Madhavan at lmadhavan@arizona.edu inquiring about possible openings.

    Please include a description of your research background, publications, and a statement of interest.

Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

  • Undergraduate students are typically not accepted at the beginning of, or during, the academic year. Students MUST start early in the Summer.

  • Also, as projects in the lab generally take at least 2 years or more to complete, our lab would not be the right place for students solely interested in completing a one year capstone/honors thesis project.

  • If interested, please email Dr Madhavan at lmadhavan@arizona.edu with a description of your interest and a resume.